Nuclear fusion can be a sustainable source of energy production

Nuclear fusion can be a sustainable source of energy production

There is no easy solution to the climate crisis yet. However, scientists hope to find a more permanent solution to this problem with nuclear fusion technology.
Scientists have previously worked with fusion to find a carbon-free, infinite source of energy. But no such initiative has been sustainable.

But last Wednesday, some British scientists gave good news. They have succeeded in creating a nuclear fusion and maintaining it for more than twice as long as the previous record. The sun and other stars continue to burn by producing energy in the same process.
In nuclear fusion, two or more atoms combine to form larger atoms. This reaction produces large amounts of heat energy. Mankind has seen the destructive form of the fusion reaction in the hydrogen bomb.

At present, the peaceful use of nuclear energy is a process of fusion, not fusion. Instead of combining atoms through fission, energy is produced by breaking down uranium atoms. However, this process produces radioactive waste that can remain in the environment for thousands of years. The impact of an accident can be as widespread as it was in 2011 in Fukushima, Japan.

The merger process is relatively much safer. It produces very little waste and is very easy to obtain as a fuel, using materials found in nature, including some of the ingredients found in the sea. After all, nuclear fusion could play a very effective role in shifting away from fossil fuels to start using sustainable fuels to combat climate change.
According to CNN, on December 21 last year, in a village called Calham near Oxford in England, some scientists were able to create 59 megabytes of energy in 5 seconds using “claw rings” in the shape of a device called the Tokamak.

High-temperature magnetic fields are necessary to keep the fusion process going, which sometimes exceeds 150 million degrees Celsius.
A team called Eurofusion took care of this project. It employs 4,600 specialists, students and staff from different European countries. The partner was the UK Atomic Energy Agency. The European Commission has provided some funding for the project.
The hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium have been used in this experiment to induce fusion. These two elements are found in the sea. Experts believe that these two factors are most likely to be used to produce commercial fuels on a commercial basis.

Tony Rollstone, a professor of engineering at Cambridge University, said deuterium and tritium could be used to generate large amounts of electricity.
“Using just half a tonne of deuterium can meet the UK’s one-day electricity needs, which are easy to collect from the sea,” he added.
The official name of the Oxford Tokamak instrument is the Joint European Terrace (Jet).
The results of the jet test are quite positive and the Eater (experimental test of international nuclear reactors) project has benefited greatly. Eater is another major merger project in the south of France, with support from the United States, China, the European Union, India, Japan, Korea and Russia.

80 percent of the work on the Eater project has already been completed and the aim is to start a full nuclear fusion in 2025 or 2026.
The purpose of the aircraft was to test the feasibility of creating and maintaining nuclear fusion. Eater’s goal is to produce 500 megawatts of fusion power using 50 megawatts of fuel.
Researchers say that so far, the results are quite positive. However, there is still a long way to go to make nuclear fusion suitable for regular use as an energy source.

Tony added that the results of the jet test were very encouraging. It produces 12 megawatts of electricity, but only for 5 seconds. The most important thing right now is to find a way to keep the merger going for a long time.
According to the latest report from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), global warming needs to be halved by this decade and reduced to zero by 2050 to control global warming. That is, the use of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas, must be stopped soon.

According to the IPCC, it will not achieve the goal of controlling global warming if it fails to find sustainable energy sources such as nuclear fusion.
So the whole world is now watching the success of jet and eater. It may not be far off to find sustainable and almost unlimited energy production.

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