The main criteria of people do not just stay fit but to stay fit the healthier way without making use of animal products. This equation grew with the rise in vegan diet around the world.

It is, by all means, better to become healthy by consuming the lower risk-based diet such as the nutritious plant-based foods. This article showcases the difference between animal & plant-based protein. Also, if the plant-based proteins are can serve better than the animal protein in the long run.

  1. Tofu & Paneer

Though they are many other veggies out them to serve you with better vital supplements to the body, soy products are the richest among the proteins. The protein content varies with the manufacturing method.

There are many finger-licking recipes you can prepare with tofu and they pair for a great meal. They are a healthy substitute for dairy products. However, Paneer, on the other hand, serves as the vegetarian’s digest for a great meal starter.

2. Lentils or spinach

For vegans and vegetarians, lentils are a boon too. They are categorized with beans & legume family as they are grown in pods. There is a huge demand for them as they’re rich in potassium, protein, fibre, and more nutrients.

They can be included for lunch and dinner that add several protein calories to your body. There are many recipes you can make with lentils such as stews, curries, salads, or rice to give an extra portion of protein.

3. Chickpeas

It can be eaten hot or cold & come in plenty of varieties. There are many recipes available for chickpeas. Like lentils, they can be added to salads, curries, and stews and even roasted to serve as snacks.

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They are keto-friendly and rich in biotin, copper, niacin, folate, manganese, vitamin E, thiamine, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Peanuts are so rich in proteins as per tablespoon of peanuts constitute about 8g of proteins.

5. Almonds

Should your brain work more precise and get glowing skin by maintaining a natural PH balance. A cup of almonds constitutes about 33g of proteins. These are rich vitamin E nuts are great for your eyes too.

6. Spirulina

An alga that is blue and green contains 8g of proteins for every 2 tablespoons. Spirulina serves best for patients suffering from anemia. They have rich compounds of iron, vitamin B, B12 && even manganese.

They come in amorphous form for you can add in curries, snacks fruit juices and more.

7. Quinoa

It is staple grain-like food that constitutes high-protein. Considering this has to be cooked, there is still 8g of proteins per cup. They are rich in nutrients such as magnesium, iron, fibre, and manganese.

It is also highly versatile. You can cook them easily with pasta or veg stew or any soups. They can serve as a main course or even small snack dishes or starters.

8. Mycoprotein

A fungus-based protein that contains around 26g per cup of mycoprotein. It is categorized under mushrooms that are a high source of vitamin B12 and proteins. However, it is better to be certain of the brand you make use of as some people who are allergic to mushrooms can turn out to be allergic to fungus too.

9. Chia seeds

They are rich in fibre and cut down unwanted fat making your skin look and feel supple. It contains 2g of protein per tablespoon. For better heart health, chia seeds serve the omega 3 fatty acids.

They can be sprinkled over salads, desserts, fruit drinks or even make a pudding with oats and milk. They can be bought from online, supermarkets, stores, etc.

10. Hemp seeds

They are categorized under chia seeds but have a rich powerhouse of protein. 1 tablespoon constitute about 5g of protein. They are best bought online or from an organic store. As they have the branded and you can avail it with the right advice.

11. Beans & Rice

Together and never apart. If apart they cannot constitute the best protein. It is served in classic meals where every cup of the combination serves 7g protein.

As a side dish or curry can serve you a lot of proteins with great taste.

12. Potatoes

They are on the top for the potassium sources it contains. Further, has fibre, vitamin C and an average of 90-110 calories.

You can cook the potatoes for all types of dishes for chats, curries, salads and more recipes as found on online.

They’re fat-free and doesn’t have sodium.

13. Other veggies

Like spinach, dark coloured leafy greens are all rich in proteins. Eating the above alone won’t pump your body’s composition of protein. Snacking these veggies can increase your protein levels. Such as broccoli, kale & mushrooms too.

Making salad, snacks, baby greens form a great protein-rich meal.

14. Seitan

Seitan is wheat gluten as its’ protein value is high in vitamins and minerals.  Yet, Seitan is low in carbs and fat. Seitan is rehydrated first to bring it to the gluten stage.

15. Ezekiel bread

It is highly nutrient and is an easy and best alternative to traditional bread. Its components consist of barley, wheat, lentils, millet. For those who love sandwiches, toasts, this is the best nutritious choice.

Every slice has 4g of protein. Top it with peanut or almond butter and match up the protein kick.

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