Sandbox Smart R2 Coffee Roaster Machine Review Specification and Price

Sandbox Smart R2 Coffee Roaster Review:

Starting your day with a hot cup of coffee restore your energy for all the day. Coffee lovers are very much familiar to taste different kind of coffee seeds from different location of this world. Whenever we are travelling, a cup of coffee make us energetic. We are quite addicted to the coffee. We also like to get these taste in our home. But for this a good quality coffee roaster is very much essential. Don’t worry. Today I will talk about such user-friendly coffee roaster, Sandbox smart R2 coffee roaster. This device can operate through mobile app, install in your smartphone. So many functions are there, which you can control easily to make your favorite drinks.

Sandbox Smart R2 Coffee Roaster Features:

Generally coffee roaster are available in small capacity, for that you have to roast a batch every 2 to 3 days if you are so much addicted to coffee. But this Sandbox Smart R2 is coming with a maximum capacity of 19.5 oz (50 g). Which is more than enough for the month.

Heating tube and detachable drum is function in such a way that the machine is able to roast coffee beans evenly. The ultimate flavour of coffee is mainly depends on the particle size and surface area of the roasted beans.

The temperature inside the machine chamber is maintain precisely. So that beans will never over burnt.

Sandbox smart R2 coffee roaster

The patented design of the Sandbox Smart R2 helps beans to inlet and output latch. It can easily pour and release the beans.

Reducing the amount of roasting smoke is needed to keep our home clean and smell fresh. Sandbox R2 will do it for you. The amount of smoke released from Smart R2 is lesser and if you match it up with F1 smoke extractor.

While this machine is running, it creates a very low noise, so that you can sure about the disturbance to you family or neighbours. The sound of the roasting is around 65 dB which as low as a speaking person’s sound.

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Tired of cleaning up your mess? Sandbox Smart R2 has a collector that prevents the hemisphere from flying around the kitchen and a coffee brush to sweep the collector clean. It’s quick and easy!

A large window allows you to observe the color changes of the coffee beans as they burn. You can see the process from light to dark fried, which will help you get the timing right.

Sandbox smart R2 coffee roaster

The company want their users to be safe while using our Sandbox Smart R2, so they’ve updated the content and design. The improved insulation keeps the surface cool, protects you and your family from burns and ensures that the appliance does not overheat during frying.

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Sandbox Smart R2 Coffee Roaster comes with an intuitively designed Sandbox Smart App that allows you to control your coffee roasting easily. The app offers over 60 official formats with default recipe settings for different types of beans and fried stages and supports 11 different languages!

Sandbox Smart R2 Coffee Roaster Specification:

Amount per batch: 19.5 oz (550g)

Power: 900W

Social share: Yes

Smart Roasting: Cloud download

Size: Small

Weight: 26.5 lbs (12 kg)

Sandbox Smart R2 Coffee Roaster Price:

If you wish to buy this product then you have to pay $2050 for the limited early bird model. For online buying option is given below.

To buy it through online : Click here

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